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Personal Finance - 4-Minute Read

Hanna Kielar - Sep 8, 2022

How Much Should I Save Each Month?

How much money to save each month depends on your current financial goals. Learn more about how to start saving money monthly and increase your savings.
Woman in sweater sitting on a gray couch.

Personal Finance - 3-Minute Read

Dan Miller - Jun 3, 2022

Rule Of 72: What Is It And How Does It Work?

The rule of 72 refers to how long it will take the return on an investment to double. Learn all about how the rule of 72 works and the simple formula it uses.

Young mother sitting at a table wit her baby, looking at mail.

Personal Finance - 4-Minute Read

Hanna Kielar - May 12, 2022

Our Best Personal Finance Calculators For Helping You Reach Your Financial Goals

Need a financial calculator to help you budget? Read this guide of our best savings, retirement and DTI calculators for meeting your personal finance goals.

Customer meeting with financial advisor in office.

Personal Finance - 5-Minute Read

Victoria Araj - Apr 12, 2022

What To Bring And How To Organize Tax Documents For Your Accountant: A Complete Checklist

Using a tax preparer can make filing taxes easier on you. Learn how to organize your tax documents for your preparer so the process can be easier for them, too.

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Personal Finance - 4-Minute Read

Jerry Brown - Apr 7, 2022

How To Calculate Your Net Income: 4 Steps

Net income represents your take-home pay after subtracting taxes and other deductions. Learn how to calculate your net income using our step-by-step guide.


Personal Finance - 4-Minute Read

Emma Tomsich - Apr 3, 2022

9 Easy Side Hustles Anyone Can Start Today

If you’re looking for a source of extra cash or trying to build an emergency fund, now might be a great time to start that side hustle you’ve always dreamed of. Here are some temporary options to get you started.


Personal Finance - 5-Minute Read

Cathie Ericson - Mar 23, 2022

Savings Calculator: Estimate Growth Over Time

The secret to accumulating wealth? Start early, contribute regularly, and take advantage of the magic of compounding. Find out how compounding can work for you.


Personal Finance - 4-Minute Read

Lauren Nowacki - Mar 23, 2022

Overdraft Fee: Everything You Need To Know

Overdraft fees are charged when you spend more money than what’s in your checking account. Learn more about overdraft fees and how you can avoid them.

Asian family looking at a laptop together.

Personal Finance - 4-Minute Read

Victoria Araj - Mar 23, 2022

Money Talks: Speaking With Your Parents About Their Finances

Talking money with anyone can be challenging, but it can be especially difficult with your parents. Here’s how to go about talking finances with your aging parents.


Personal Finance - 3-Minute Read

Anna Baluch - Mar 22, 2022

Money Talks: Speaking With Your Employees About Money

Wondering how to speak to your employees about money? It can be a sensitive topic, but our article will help make the conversation more comfortable and productive.


Personal Finance - 8-Minute Read

Ashley Kilroy - Mar 22, 2022

Money Talks: Speaking With Your Kids About Finances

The sooner you talk to your kids about financial responsibility, the more likely they’ll succeed in the future. Read our guide on talking to your kids about finances.


Personal Finance - 3-Minute Read

Sarah Li Cain - Mar 21, 2022

What Are Mobile Wallets? And Do They Make Sense For You?

With a mobile wallet, you have the option to make payments on your smartphone. Read our guide on what mobile wallets are, how to use them, and which ones you should consider using.


Personal Finance - 5-Minute Read

Andrew Dehan - Feb 28, 2022

Money Talks: Speaking With Your Siblings About Finances

It’s important to approach money talks carefully. Here are a few rules for speaking with your siblings about money, in a way that is both helpful and productive.

Personal Finance - 6-Minute Read

Lauren Nowacki - Feb 28, 2022

Sinking Funds: What They Are And How To Use Them

Trying to save for a big purchase in the future? Learn how sinking funds can make it easier to save money so you can pay for big items without going into debt.

Mother with her two kids.

Personal Finance - 4-Minute Read

Hanna Kielar - Feb 3, 2022

Tax Dependents: How To Claim Them On Your Next Return

If you financially support a relative, you could qualify for dependency exemptions and credits. Learn more about tax dependents and how to claim them here.


Personal Finance - 6-Minute Read

Dan Rafter - Feb 2, 2022

Jobs For Kids: How To Do It The Right Way

Putting your younger kids to work can help them learn about the importance of not just earning money, but saving it, too.


Personal Finance - 11-Minute Read

Hanna Kielar - Dec 16, 2021

Millennials’ Financial Habits: A Breakdown Of Characteristics, Priorities And Purchase Decisions

Ever wonder about millennials’ financial or spending habits? Read our article that gives a breakdown about money, debt and savings when it comes to millennials.

Front entryway with a black door to an apartment.

Personal Finance - 7-Minute Read

Hanna Kielar - Dec 8, 2021

What Is Real Estate Passive Income?

Did you know that investing in real estate can be a gateway to passive income? Learn how investing in rental properties can create passive income streams.